Entries tagged with cockroachdb

Peewee now supports CockroachDB


I'm pleased to announce that Peewee now supports CockroachDB (CRDB), the distributed, horizontally-scalable SQL database. I'm excited about this release, because it's now quite easy to get up-and-running with a robust SQL database that can scale out with minimal effort (documentation).

Here is how you configure a CockroachDatabase instance:

from playhouse.cockroachdb import CockroachDatabase

db = CockroachDatabase('my_app', user='root', host='', port=26257)

CRDB conveniently provides a very similar SQL dialect to Postgres, which has been well-supported in Peewee for many years, allowing you to use features like jsonb and arrays, in addition to the regular complement of field-types. Additionally, CRDB speaks the same wire-protocol as Postgres, so it works out-of-the-box using the popular psycopg2 driver.