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DJUTILS - Delft Java Utilities projects

DJUTILS is a set of Java classes that are used by other TU Delft projects such as DSOL, OpenTrafficSim, Sim0MQ, GSCG, and others. The DJUTILS projects in this main group import no, or very few external packages.

DJUTILS is a highly diverse software collection. All of this software has in common that it is written in Java and that the writers/designers believe that it can (and should) be reused in other projects. The software is organized in packages

  • djutils: several small projects that require few or no external packages.
  • djutils-cli: command line arguments processing with defaults taken from environment variables and other sources, usage summary, etc.
  • djutils-serialization: utilities to serialize and deserialize data.
  • djutils-data: utilities to collect, store, write and read structured data, e.g., measurements from sensors, or results from a simulation.
  • djutils-draw: utilities that manipulate points, poly-lines, line-segments, rays, in 2D and 3D.
  • djutils-stats: utilities that ingest a series of values, e.g., measurements from a sensor, or results from a simulation, and compute statistical properties (mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, estimated cumulative probabilities).
  • The djutils-parent project contains the master pom file for the DJUTILS project and the documentation and general settings.


DJUTILS was developed at the Delft University of Technology as part of the Open Traffic Simulator project (started in 2014) and the Delft Simulation Object Library (DSOL) project (started in 2002).

The main authors/contributors of the DJUTILS project are Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers, and Wouter Schakel.